

ACTFL年度国家语言教师计划旨在提升国家语言专业的地位和公众形象, 区域, and national levels by creating opportunities to recognize accomplished members of the language profession. 首先也是最重要的, this process is designed to involve all of the state, 区域, and national organizations in promoting the language teaching profession. 第二个, 目的是创造尽可能多的媒体机会,通过媒体提高语言学习的知名度和重要性, 政策制定者, 以及普通大众. 的 award also recognizes best practices and excellence in the teaching and learning of languages. All 区域 finalists are featured in the ACTFL Language Teacher Hall of Fame, 网址为ACTFL网站.


州候选人, 区域, 或国家年度语言教师必须是全职的k -12前世界语言教师或高等教育讲师或教授. 的re is an expectation of teaching for at least two additional years.


  • 候选人必须将至少50%的教学职责用于直接教授语言(不超过一半的语言教学百分比用于教授英语学习者)。.
  • 在提名或评选时,候选人不能同时被提名为ACTFL董事会的职位,也不能被提名为ACTFL颁发的当年的奖项,该候选人将有资格获得ACTFL年度国家语言教师奖.


年度国家语言教师评选从州一级开始,每年由州语言组织选出一名候选人,然后将候选人的申请提交到地区一级. 的 finalist for each of the five regions then competes at the national level. 下面在每一级概述的程序是为了促进在评价过程中使用的组合的发展,方法是在每一级提出一些项目,从而形成国家一级所需的完整组合. 这个过程的目的是在每个级别逐步增加所需的组合元素,以鼓励广泛参与,同时有足够的证据证明候选人的教学成就和代表语言专业的能力. ACTFL will supply the forms and samples needed so that candidates understand what is required at each level. In addition, there is a detailed explanation of the portfolio items on the ACTFL website.

I. 国家层面上


State language associations may use any mechanism to select their state winner. States may choose to require a nomination process or permit self-nominations, or they may use their existing state teacher of the year process.

ACTFL建议, 然而, 国家协会需要从综合最终ACTFL组合要求中选择以下要素来确定其决定.


  1. One-page letter of recommendation from a supervisor
  2. One-page letter of recommendation from a colleague
  3. One-page letter of recommendation from a current or former parent or student
  4. 个人简历不超过5页.
  5. 500字的个人陈述,阐述学习语言和培养所有学习者的文化能力的价值.

II. 区域层面

地区报名截止日期:12月11日. 1月15日. (各地区根据其会议和颁奖委员会的时间表确定此窗口内的截止日期).

Once the state association has selected its candidate who will move forward to the 区域 level, 州协会确保其候选人提交的作品集包含前一节中列出的所有建议项目, 除了, 包括以下内容:

  1. 提名页(可在ACTFL网站上找到)由州语言协会的官员完成.
  2. Examples of Student Work (two individual examples, 一页,单面),反映世界语言学习准备标准(5C)的目标。. 的se can be written examples or in a digital format.
  3. 对学生作业的反思不超过1次,这两个例子总共800字,提供了对这些学生的例子的书面反思,以及他们是如何
    1. demonstrate current best practices of language teaching and learning, including the integration of the 世界战备标准 for Learning Languages (5 C’s)
    2. encourage the proficient use of the target language by the teacher and students;
    3. provide the effective use of feedback, including but not limited to rubrics.
  4. An interview process designed individually by each 区域 organization. 建议在区域会议现场或通过电子方式进行三到五分钟的政策演讲练习(在国家一级提交的作品集中不需要关于这次采访的文件).)

3. 国家层面上


除了已经提到的项目, 各地区与决赛入围者合作,确保候选人在8月30日之前向ACTFL总部提交在线作品集供全国评奖委员会审查th 的最后期限. ACTFL will appoint the members of the Teacher of the Year Selection Committee. No committee members will be from the same state as any of the 区域 finalists.

最终的作品集包括所有在州和地区级别建议的项目,并添加以下内容 要求 项目:

  1. 课堂视频(一个单元的简短清晰的快照,必须包括教师,必须显示教师用目标语言与学生互动)是连续的, non-edited 20-minute segment of a lesson in the actual classroom setting that
    • demonstrates the effective use of the target language both by the teacher and the students;
    • demonstrates a variety of instructional strategies that enhance the effectiveness of the lesson;
    • 在本学年拍摄;
    • 不是专业制作的
  2. Reflection on Classroom Video (a brief snapshot from a unit) (up to 1,350 words) that
    • describes the learning goals and targets of the lesson;
    • provides details about the activities and how these activities impacted student learning;
    • provides evidence of interpretive, interpersonal and presentational elements in that unit;
    • 反思课程的有效性, including the use of the target language in the video, 以及本课接下来的步骤.
  3. Response to Questions: Provide written reflections, not to exceed 900 words for each question (total 1,最多800字, 回答这两个问题:
    • 你如何鼓励学生在课堂之外参与与语言和文化相关的活动?
    • 学生作业的样本和课堂视频的内容如何反映教师对所有学习者学习语言和培养文化能力的价值的个人陈述?
  4. Professional involvement documentation examples— including but not limited to certificates, 报纸上的文章, 信, 链接到视频(不超过4页)-那
    1. demonstrates professional growth and involvement in professional organizations;
    2. provides evidence of a variety of leadership experiences, including advocacy.
  5. Reflection on Professional involvement documentation (not to exceed 1,350 words) that
    • describes and analyzes the significance and impact on you as a teacher;
    • 描述和分析在你的学校和/或地区或州对学生学习和语言学习的重要性和影响.

Also included in the portfolio: (Located on ACTFL website)

  1. 提名页(可在ACTFL网站上找到)由地区语言协会的官员填写.
  2. 电子格式的专业照片.

online submitted portfolio is not to exceed 30 pages. 的 required forms and photograph are not included in the page count.



During the ACTFL公约 there will be an interview. (费用由ACTFL支付.) 面试内容包括:

  1. A series of questions with possible topics such as: learning and teaching strategies, student achievement and student growth and professional involvement and growth.
  2. 一篇三到五分钟的公共政策演讲,可以针对一个公民团体或其他外部组织,在一个相互联系的21世纪的世界中,讨论当前对语言学习和全球竞争力的重要问题.

关于你的州提名问题, 联系你所在地区的组织:

  • Northeast 会议 on the 教学 of Foreign Languages (NECTFL)
  • Southern 会议 on Language 教学 (SCOLT)
    Leslie Baldwin, Executive Director (336) 422-6192
  • 中央国家 会议 (CSC)
    Daryl Biallas,执行董事
  • 太平洋西北语言协会
  • Southwest 会议 on Language 教学 (SWCOLT)
    Jocelyn Raught,执行董事 jraught@swcolt.org